
Community Feedback Summary

Hui tahi tātou o Porirua – what you told us
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What is the Spatial Plan?

The Spatial Plan lays out the long-term direction for the development that will take place in eastern Porirua – the houses, parks, shops, streets etc. The Spatial Plan identifies where development should happen, what sort of development it should be, and defines the physical or spatial outcomes the development should achieve. The Spatial Plan sets the vision and expectations for sustainable transport, water quality, housing density, prosperous centres, safety, community facilities, community identity, native planting and much more. 


The engagement process helped us identify five key moves and seven focus areas that Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development could deliver on or support other agencies to deliver, in order to have the biggest positive impact for eastern Porirua.  


Hui tahi tātou o Porirua

During 25 May – 10 June Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development partners held a two-week long event for the people of Porirua to see how their feedback and ideas over the last few years, came together to create Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development Spatial Plan. The seven focus areas are:

  1. Local identity: a community-focused approach, honouring and reflecting the cultural values of Te A Māori, Pasifika and Ngāti Toa Rangatira in the physical environment.
  2. Natural environment: improving the quality and resilience of greenspaces and waterways. Thoughtful housing and infrastructure that enhances the natural environment and supports thriving wildlife.
  3. Resilient and sustainable development: improving the resilience of homes, communities and the natural environment through sustainable materials, design and practices, and investment in critical infrastructure.
  4. Connections: improving public transport networks and options for active modes of transport. Reducing vehicle dependency and supporting a safer, more accessible neighbourhood for all.
  5. Vibrant centres: supporting thriving town centres that stimulate local business and employment opportunities. Well-planned community facilities and spaces to cater for a diverse range of needs and encourage social unity.
  6. Neighbourhoods: supporting the community to define, create and own local spaces that encourage connection and reflect cultural values.
  7. Homes: delivering a variety of housing options to meet the diverse needs of current and future residents. Mindful planning and design that incorporates cultural identity, and supports accessible and intergenerational living.

To learn more and to read the current Spatial Plan click here


How was the Spatial Plan created?

In March 2019, Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development (formally known as Porirua Development) started a conversation with eastern Porirua community to better understand their values, needs and aspirations. It was also to ensure that the community’s voices and input were reflected in the early early planning for Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development. 


The engagement process, held over nine-month period, attracted feedback from lots of different members of the community who provided feedback on a range of topics. The feedback was extensive and helped to provide the Development with better insights into what people of eastern Porirua value, their lived experience, and their visions for the future.


Overall, the environment, housing and wellbeing were the main themes people wanted to talk about. This includes the themes of open space, social connectedness, recreation and leisure, transportation, and community safety. Other themes that attracted a large number of responses were community facilities, public transport, arts, cultural diversity and better access to health and social services.


More than 2,300 people took part in the engagements during 2019, contributing over 5,000 ideas. This included residents, community and church leaders, school and college students, representatives from community groups, social services and business owners.


Community Engagement Report Whakawhānaungatanga – March – December 2019

Below is a copy of the community engagement report.


Read the report and summary

Community Engagement Report [PDF 2.3MB, 32 pages]
Community Engagement Summary [PDF 468KB, 6 pages]


Translated summaries

We've translated the summary documents into eight languages.

Community Engagement Summary - Samoa  [PDF 402KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Te Reo Maori  [PDF 437KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Tonga  [PDF 381KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Tuvalu  [PDF 445KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Tokelau  [PDF 468KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Niue  [PDF 393KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Fiji  [PDF 408KB, 6 pages]
Community Engagement Summary - Cook Islands Maori [PDF 408KB, 6 pages]


This feedback was considered by the Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development team and their technical consultants and helped to inform the current Spatial Plan.


Spatial Plan frequently asked questions

  • What is a spatial plan?

    A spatial plan is a high-level strategic approach on how large areas will change and develop over time. It also outlines what actions must be taken to support that change. They are used to set the direction for an area and inform where further detailed planning and investment is required.  

  • What will the Spatial Plan mean for eastern Porirua?

    The draft Spatial Plan has been created from community, partner and stakeholder feedback gathered over the last few years. It sets the proposed direction on what the precinct (Rānui, Cannons Creek, Waitangirua and Ascot Park) may look like in the future.  

    For Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development, the Spatial Plan provides strategic direction on building new housing as well as outline other key projects that will support the wider community during development such as upgrades to infrastructure and transport networks, waterways and greenspaces. 

    Fundamental to the success of the Spatial Plan is the ongoing collaboration between development partners (Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Kāinga Ora and Porirua City Council), other government/non-government agencies and the people of eastern Porirua.  

  • Who will deliver the Spatial Plan?

    Delivery will be led by different organisations depending on the activity, and always in consultation with the community and relevant key stakeholders. 

  • How much will this cost to deliver?

    Operational and delivery costs change with the market. The delivery of each piece of work will be investigated and funded on a case-by-case basis.  

  • What is a key move (changes)?

    The key moves are important changes that need to happen to enhance eastern Porirua.  

  • What are the key moves (changes) for this spatial plan?

    The key moves include: 

    • Enhance transport connections via Mungavin and Warspite Avenues to improve connection through neighbourhoods, Porirua CBD and public transport routes. 
    • Develop plans to enhance current town centres in Cannons Creek and Waitangirua, laying out opportunities for more high-density living, local commercial and employment opportunities and social/community facilities. 
    • Improve the water quality, access, safety and environment within Bothamley Park, Cannons Creek Park and Cannons Creek Lakes Reserve.
    • Improve three water pipes to support future growth within the community, while also reduce flooding, overflowing of stormwater and wastewater. 
    • Ensure Kāinga Ora homes are either redeveloped or renovated as well as find opportunities to support the delivery of more market and supported housing options. 


    These will be delivered by Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development in partnership with key partners or organisations. The key moves are not prioritised, with no single one being more or less important to the overall success of the development.  

  • What is the key difference between a key move (changes) and a focus area?

    Key moves are five specific changes that have been identified in playing a major role to enhance Porirua. The focus areas are seven themes, identified by the community that are the foundation of eastern Porirua. They cover the physical areas of work such as housing, pipes or planting that Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development will be involved with. If Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development works in partnership to improve the focus areas and deliver key moves, the people of Porirua will have an even better place to live, work, play and thrive.  

  • What is a focus area?

    A focus area is a key area identified through feedback from community, partners and stakeholders that is important and needs to be considered whilst new houses are being built. The focus areas then contain a set of guiding principles of what this might look and feel like in the community, along with a series of possible actions. This allows for a structured understanding of the steps required to respond to the issues highlighted to Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development, then known as the Porirua Development, through conversations in 2019. 

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