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23 Nov 2023
Tē Pātē – Cannon’s Creek
Welcome Tē Pātē – Cannon’s Creek new community space
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Hui tahi tātou o Porirua - what to expect next
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Partnering for the Porirua pipeline
Check out these giant pipes, and find out more about what’s going on under the ground at Te Rā Nui,
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Te Rā Nui, Eastern Porirua Development
The mana whenua of this land, Ngati Toa Rangatira, has gifted us a new name for our eastern Porirua …
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Champion Street closure
Road Changes on Champion Street between Mepham Pl and Windley St from 18 June 2023
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Hui tahi tātou o Porirua - Online feedback
Can't make it to Hui tahi tātou o Porirua, or have additional comments on the focus areas? Want to g…
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Supporting growth in eastern Porirua
We’re proposing improvements to the transport network and streets in and around eastern Porirua, whi…
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Join the talanoa, share your thoughts
As part of Hui tahi tātou o Porirua we’ll be holding a series of talanoa sessions, providing a safe …
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Hui tahi tātou o Porirua
Nau mai! Haere mai! Please join Porirua Development in this community event, hui tahi tātou o Poriru…
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04 May 2023
Porirua Progress Update - Autumn 2023
Porirua Progress Update - Autumn 2023
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What's happening behind the Bothamley Park fences
Here is a quick look at what is happening behind the fences in Bothamley Park
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Waka Ama Street paves the way for new housing in Porirua
The official blessing and naming of Waka Ama Street means work will now get underway on eighteen new…
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