Where: Castor Crescent
When: From Monday 23 May - September 2022
Hours of work: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Saturday.
We will be closing the section of Castor Crescent between Warspite Avenue and Niger Street from Monday 23 May until September 2022. A road detour via Niger and Miranda Streets will be in place for the duration of the work.
The upcoming road detour is marked on the map below. The closed section of Castor Crescent is between Niger St and Warspite Avenue and is shown in green. We’ll have traffic management in place to make sure you can move safely around the neighbourhood.
We understand this can be inconvenient and we appreciate your cooperation and patience.
This work is being completed as part of the Porirua Development. If you have any queries or concerns about the road closures or site works please contact our civil and infrastructure experts Te Aranga, who will be managing the day-to-day activities on and around site: 0800 832 726 or hello@tearanga.co.nz.
Previous Road closures
Where: Castor Crescent
When: From Monday 7 March
Hours of work: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Saturday.
Last year we were granted consent and started upgrading the three water pipe network that will not only support new homes on our Esk site, but also neighbouring properties as well.
To ensure we can complete this work as safely and quickly as possible, we will be temporarily closing the following street.
As indicated in the map above and in addition to the current closure at the Northern end of Calliope Crescent, Calliope Crescent will be closed off at the Castor Crescent entrances.
This work is being completed as part of the Porirua Development. If you have any queries or concerns about the road closures or site works please contact our civil and infrastructure experts Te Aranga, who will be managing the day-to-day activities on and around site: 0800 832 726 or hello@tearanga.co.nz.
Where: Calliope and Castor Crescent
When: From Tuesday 25 January
Hours of work: 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Saturday.
Last year we were granted consent and started upgrading the three water pipe network that will not only support new homes on our Esk site, but also neighbouring properties as well.
To ensure we can complete this work as safely and quickly as possible, we will be temporarily closing the following streets.
As indicated in the map below and in addition to the current closure at the Northern end of Calliope Crescent, Calliope Crescent will be closed off at the Castor Crescent and Iris Grove entrances.
There will be future road closures, but we will update this website and our Facebook page (link) to keep you posted closer to the time.
What does this mean?
Over the coming months we will be digging trenches to lay new pipes. If you live near the Esk site, visit or travel through Castor/ Calliope Crescent there may be some disruption to parking, travel time and noise. We will try to keep this to a minimum and will clearly fence off the current work site.
During work hours we encourage residents and anyone visiting to park clear of the worksite during 7:00am to 7:00pm Monday to Saturday. If you do leave your vehicle in the way of the work, it may be towed to the nearest available parking space. If your vehicle is missing, please check streets nearby, if you still cannot locate your vehicle please then call Te Aranga on the contact number below.
For a little more detail you can view the letter provided to residents directly affected by the road closures here (included PDF of letter).
Who will be doing the mahi?
Te Aranga, our civil and construction experts will be delivering the work on and around our Esk site. If you have any queries or concerns about the road closures or site works please contact Te Aranga
Phone: 0800 832 726
Email: hello@tearanga.co.nz
For all other enquires about the Porirua Development
Email: Poriruadevelopment@kaingaora.govt.nz
Facebook: @Poriruadevelopment