Hui tahi tātou o Porirua

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Nau mai! Haere mai! Warm Pacific greetings. Please join Porirua Development in this community event, hui tahi tātou o Porirua.

We’ve been talking to the community, local iwi and many other stakeholders about their aspirations for the future of eastern Porirua. From your feedback, Kāinga Ora, with support from Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Porirua City Council have created a plan to guide the development and investment in the area over the next 25 years. It’s a plan designed to help us deliver an even better place to live – both for the people who live here today and for future generations, over the next 25 years.

We’re excited to now share this draft Porirua Development Spatial Plan with you alongside other plans and programmes of work which we will inform the next steps for the project. We want to ensure these plans reflect your priorities and that we haven’t missed anything that’s important to you.

Bring the whānau down to our event and find out what’s planned around the seven key priority areas: local identity; natural environment; resilient and sustainable development; connections; vibrant centres; neighbourhoods; and homes.  Share your thoughts, participate in the talanoa sessions and enjoy the many family activities.

WHEN: 26 May - 10 June 2023

26 May – Launch Event from 5-8pm
27 May – 9 June from 10am-8pm
10 June 10am – 2pm
(closed Sundays)

WHERE: Te Akapuanga Hall, Cannons Creek


Or Online - click here


Talanoa sessions:

There will be talanoa sessions in the evenings from 5-8pm led by community groups and ethnic facilitators. We currently have the following sessions being led by the community:

  • Nine ethnic communities (Samoa, Tonga, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Rotuma, Fiji, Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau)
  • Refugee and Migrant
  • Church ministers
  • Youth
  • Disability


What other activities are happening

During Hui tahi tātou o Porirua, there will be activities happening around Cannon’s Creek shops in close proximity to Te Akapuanga Hall, Cannons Creek. 


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